“Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.”
AGES 3-5
Christ Covenant Church desires to come alongside parents in presenting the gospel to children, leading them to Christ, training them in worship, and equipping them to understand and share their faith.
Children’s Church is a ministry available to our 3-5 year olds during the sermon portion of our 9:00 AM morning worship. Our ultimate goal is to aid parents and children in the transition from nursery in to worship. We want them to be active worshipers in the body of Christ as soon as possible! Children ages 3-5 are invited to worship together with the congregation for the entire morning worship service of songs and hymns and prayers and readings. However, we understand that long sermons may be difficult for young children to hear and understand. During the sermon at the 9:00 AM worship service, we offer Children’s Church as an option for those ages 3-5 who still benefit from a bit more activity and one-on-one attention.
Children’s Church is led by 5 experienced teaching teams, who are long-time members and who love discipling children and presenting the gospel to them each and every week. Our teachers lead children to our classroom just before the sermon and return them to the sanctuary during the closing hymn. During Children’s Church, we present The Gospel Project® for Kids, which immerses them in the great gospel story of the Bible at a preschool learning level. Our time is full of stories, songs, activities, games, and crafts—all focused on the gospel lesson for the day. Each Sunday we continue our journey through the Bible and present a new story that points to Christ and the great unifying storyline of the gospel—God’s story of redemption.