“Proclaim the WORD of God, Model the GRACE of God, Extol the GLORY of God ... from this place to the ends of the earth.”

WORD. Each week, we gather to hear God’s Word proclaimed and to meet with Him. His Word begins each worship service, drenching the weary soul with infallible certainty, absolute authority, glorious liberty, and endless love. On this ground, we walk with Christ (John 1:1). After we listen, we respond, lifting up prayerful songs and reaching out with gospel words, bright with Life for a lost world, dead in the darkness.

GRACE. In Christ, grace has become visible (Titus 2:11-14). The Father sent His ambassador of love into a world of hate. The Light died in the darkness, for the darkness. Through His death, we live. In His poverty, we are rich. Because of His condemnation, we are forgiven. Like a healing balm, the Spirit rubs this good news into our hearts, broken, sad, and sore through sin. Grace becomes our commitment to one another. Having received it, we are resolved to give it away to each and to all we meet.

GLORY. God is not only the greatest of all beings; He is also the best. This is His glory, and it is weighty with beauty, blessedness, majesty, and perfection. Extolling this glory (enjoying, prizing, and reflecting it) is God’s purpose for humanity. We exist to reclaim a passion for His glory as far as the sun shines.
We are delighted to welcome you to a view into the life of Christ Covenant Church. We would dearly love for you to come and visit our congregation. We trust you will find a warm and vibrant Christian community with an emphasis on the Bible, the gospel, evangelism, and missions.
We exist for the glory of God's Name, the growth of God's Kingdom, and the good of all people. In the midst of an often rootless, isolating, and frenetic age, Christ Covenant affords a place of heritage, fellowship, and rest. We hope you will join us for worship and experience what God is doing here for yourself.

We would be delighted to welcome you to Christ Covenant Church next Sunday! We come from different walks of life, but we are united in Christ. We are sinners saved by grace through faith, and we find the fulfillment of grace in Jesus Christ, our risen Lord. Each of us is uniquely created in Him for good works, and we joy to worship and serve Him together! “For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ.” (1 Corinthians 12:12)
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Featured Media:
Living Against the Darkness
Parts 1 and 2 in a Theological Trilogy
Considering the Call to “Be Safe” and “Be Woke”