“Worship Him who made heaven and earth, the sea and the springs of water.”
Worship is the verb of Christianity. It stands as the reason for both our creation and our redemption (1 Peter 2:9). Whatever we do, we are to do all for the glory of God (1 Cor. 10:31). Although in one sense, we believe all of life is worship, we also believe that public worship holds special significance for the Christian Church. Each week on the Lord's Day (the New Testament word for Sunday), God calls His people together to hear His word, to sing His praise, to call upon His Name, and to bring their tithes and offerings before Him in grateful love. Above everything else we want the worship at Christ Covenant to be Biblical. A number of convictions drive this desire.
First, the Bible is the best place to meet God and to grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ. You may have heard the phrase 'ordinary means of grace ministry.' This well describes our Church. The phrase simply means that a church emphasizes the Word, Sacraments, and Prayer in its public worship and ministry. These are the three avenues God has ordained to communicate His grace to mankind. We call them ordinary because they are neither flashy nor programmatic, but there is nothing ordinary about them, nor the God we meet in them.

Second, our worship is a response to God. We seek Him because He first sought us. We speak to Him because He first spoke to us. Worship exists as a holy dialogue between God and man, a divine dance in which God always takes the lead: He speaks, we respond. If you listen carefully, you will see this reflected in our liturgy, almost like a rhythm, a heart beat of devotion. This is why our services begin with a call to worship taken from the Bible. God's commanding voice calls us to sing. The music reverberates in our souls as God's good gift to lift our dusty spirits up to words which always feel beyond us. The songs we sing continue this conversation because they too are filled with Scriptural truth. You will see this devotion to Scripture throughout our service. We strive to read the Bible, preach the bible, pray the Bible, and sing the Bible."

Finally, the Bible teaches us how to worship - the way we should approach God, the words we should use, and the things we should do. It is ultimately most important that our worship be pleasing to God and not so much to us. For more information related to our worship and the Lord’s Day, view our position papers.
You will notice our pastors wear a Geneva Pulpit gown during worship. This is no accident. Much like the sense of decorum a robed “Judge” brings to the courtroom, we believe the gown serves to de-emphasize the pastor’s personality and his style of dress while emphasizing instead the office he holds and drawing the focus of the congregation to the worship of Almighty God and to the hearing of His Word.