Evangelism is the ministry of the great commission - making disciples of all nations. At Christ Covenant we come together for worship each Lord’s Day, and then we go back out to our various communities and vocations where God gives us opportunities to share Christ during the week. There is a rhythm of coming together to worship and then going back out to share salt and light with the world.
We call it “gather and scatter.” Thus, much of our evangelism takes place quietly and informally. But while God calls all of us to the ministry of individual evangelism, some among us are called to full-time evangelism either in our country or abroad. Thus, we recognize and support three different areas of evangelism whole-heartedly!
This is the evangelism of every member of our congregation, the “gather and scatter” work that is done informally by each of us in our own neighborhoods, work places, and spheres of influence. We share the gospel, often quietly and without fanfare, as God places us to be salt and light in our communities.
This is the evangelism of planting new churches where they are needed in our own country. We delight in sending men and their families out to plant and pastor fledgling churches in America. These church plants are carefully selected, and we love and support them wholeheartedly with our finances, resources, and prayers.
This is the evangelism of going across continents to reach unreached people groups for Christ and to minister to them in His name. As part of the great commission, we want to see the gospel of Jesus Christ proclaimed to every tribe, and tongue, and nation. Please join us in praying for our own members and friends who are abroad investing in peoples who are largely unreached. Your prayer is the most important tool in their ministries!