ADULT: Early Church History
Teacher: Mr. Eric Bolton
Classroom: Adult I
Follow the first 400 years of the early church from the end of the apostolic ministry to the fall of Rome. Explore the political and cultural environment that surround the burgeoning church during this time of intense persecution and rapid spread of the gospel. Meet the early church fathers and listen in on the early church councils as they refute heresy and root the church in solid and biblical doctrine. (For weekly lessons, click the picture above.) This course is part of our "Survey & History I" track. For more details on our Lifelong Learning Tracks, please click button at the bottom of this section.

ADULT: Faith and Witness
Teacher: Mr. Jim Van Eerden
Classroom: Fellowship Hall
A study of the ways in which our individual relationships with God translate into faithful Christian witness in the world. Video from various contemporary leaders in the church will supplement studies of key passages from Scripture, and stories from church history to highlight how followers of Christ manifest the Gospel in a watching world. This course is part of our "Engaging the World I" track. For more details on our Lifelong Learning Tracks, please click button at the bottom of this section.

Copy of YOUTH (Ages 10-17): WORLD VIEW
Teacher: Dr. Neil Stewart
Classroom: Pastor's Study
We all have world views (mental maps for living life). Often they operate behind the scenes, subconsciously, but they control the way we see everything. In this class we will help you assess your own worldview (it might be different than you think!). We will also chart the decline of the worldview in the West in its gradual slide from Christian Theism through Deism, Naturalism, Nihilism, Existentialism, Eastern Mysticism, Postmodernism, and Secularism.

Copy of LATE ELEMENTARY (3RD-5TH GRADE): Listening to Jesus
Teacher: Mr. Patrick Crahen
Classroom: Student II
The elementary courses are taken from Great Commission Publications. This trimester focuses on "Listening to Jesus" and covers the teachings of Jesus from the gospels. Over the course of two years, students will learn about the joys of worship, Jesus' teachings, sharing their faith, God's grace in the Law, God's design for worship, and God's work in the early church.

Teacher: Ms. Krista Smith
Classroom: Preschool
Our preschool class uses the Great Commission curriculum which is rich with Bible stories and applications. There's always a craft and a "Take Home" to share the lesson with parents for reinforcement later during family devotions. This year's course covers Old Testament heroes as well as the life and miracles of Jesus, and Krista is an experienced professional teacher your children will love!

ADULT: Church History II
Teachers: Eric Bolton & Jim Van Eerden
Classroom: Fellowship Hall
Trace our heritage through the reformations in Switzerland, Geneva, England, and Scotland, as well as the "Radical Reformation" of the Anabaptists and the "Counter-Reformation" of the Catholic Church. Discover the roots of the ARP and the treasures of truth in our heritage of confessions and catechisms carefully crafted during this time--all for the purpose of pointing us back to the only inerrant and infallible Word of God.

ADULT: Parenting I
Teacher: Eric Bolton
Classroom: Fellowship Hall
Parenting is hard, but there are few things in life that rise to this level of importance. God has chosen parents to be primary instruments in the shaping of a human soul. Learn how to become an instrument of heart-changing grace in the lives of your children.

ADULT: Old Testament Survey II
Teacher: Jim Van Eerden
Classroom: Adult I
OT Survey II begins with Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Song of Solomon, and progresses through to Malachi. The rich history and teachings of the Old Testament help bring the principles of the Old Covenant to life, with particular reference to the ways that salvation history before Christ points to his life and work as our kinsman redeemer.

ADULT: Parenting II
Teacher: Jim & Rachel Van Eerden
Classroom: Fellowship Hall
This course in "Family Heritage" will present the challenges and opportunities of passing on a godly heritage on to our children. It has been written that the family of God is primarily made to grow through the faithful families of men. Join us in exploring some principles by which we can become more intentional about building a heritage for our children and grandchildren.

SENIOR YOUTH (8th-12th Grade): Post Tenebras Lux
Teacher: Dr. Neil Stewart
Classroom: Pastor's Study
On October 31, 1517, Martin Luther nailed his 95 theses to the church door at Wittenberg. It's in your history book, but that was a long time ago - practically ancient history. Does the theology of the Reformation belong on a dusty old bookshelf of a crusty old Latin scholar? Or does the Reformation still have significance today?

JUNIOR YOUTH (6th-7th Grade): Own It
Teacher: Mr. Drew Bash
Classroom: Adult II
Do you own it? Your faith. It's the faith of your parents, your grandparents, but do you own it as your own? Delve into the questions of the Christian faith and get the answers you need about your purpose, why we sin, how we are saved, and why.

LATE ELEMENTARY (3rd-5th Grade): The Great Story
Teacher: Mr. Jonathan Finley
Classroom: Student I
The great story begins as we view redemptive history through the lens of Eden. We will examine the unfolding of God's promises through the exodus, David's dynasty, and the exile--all culminating in the coming of Christ. The class emphasizes the thematic unity of the scriptures and highlights key elements to help students understand the historical structure and theological unity of God's redemption of mankind.

EARLY ELEMENTARY (K-2nd Grade): Studying God's Word
Teacher: Mrs. Mary Link & Mrs. Sharon Pace
Classroom: Student II
The elementary courses are taken from Great Commission Publications. This trimester will focus on what it means to become devoted to God’s Word. Using stories and passages from both the Old and New Testaments, children will discover more about Jesus and God's Word as well as what it means to hide God’s Word in their hearts and live by it.

Teacher: Mrs. Heather Essary & Mrs. Grace Moss
Classroom: Preschool
Our preschool class uses the Great Commission curriculum which is rich with Bible stories and applications. There's always a craft and a "Take Home" to share the lesson with parents for reinforcement later during family devotions. This trimester will present Jesus’ love for his people, his death and resurrection, his ascension, the promised Holy Spirit, and the Lord’s return one day.

Copy of SENIOR YOUTH (8th-12th Grade): Post Tenebras Lux
Teacher: Dr. Neil Stewart
Classroom: Pastor's Study
On October 31, 1517, Martin Luther nailed his 95 theses to the church door at Wittenberg. It's in your history book, but that was a long time ago - practically ancient history. Does the theology of the Reformation belong on a dusty old bookshelf of a crusty old Latin scholar? Or does the Reformation still have significance today?

Copy of JUNIOR YOUTH (6th-7th Grade): Own It
Teacher: Mr. Drew Bash
Classroom: Adult II
Do you own it? Your faith. It's the faith of your parents, your grandparents, but do you own it as your own? Delve into the questions of the Christian faith and get the answers you need about your purpose, why we sin, how we are saved, and why.

Copy of LATE ELEMENTARY (3rd-5th Grade): The Great Story
Teacher: Mr. Jonathan Finley
Classroom: Student I
The great story begins as we view redemptive history through the lens of Eden. We will examine the unfolding of God's promises through the exodus, David's dynasty, and the exile--all culminating in the coming of Christ. The class emphasizes the thematic unity of the scriptures and highlights key elements to help students understand the historical structure and theological unity of God's redemption of mankind.

Copy of EARLY ELEMENTARY (K-2nd Grade): Studying God's Word
Teacher: Mrs. Mary Link & Mrs. Sharon Pace
Classroom: Student II
The elementary courses are taken from Great Commission Publications. This trimester will focus on what it means to become devoted to God’s Word. Using stories and passages from both the Old and New Testaments, children will discover more about Jesus and God's Word as well as what it means to hide God’s Word in their hearts and live by it.

Copy of PRESCHOOL (Ages 2 - Pre-K): OUR SAVIOR
Teacher: Mrs. Heather Essary & Mrs. Grace Moss
Classroom: Preschool
Our preschool class uses the Great Commission curriculum which is rich with Bible stories and applications. There's always a craft and a "Take Home" to share the lesson with parents for reinforcement later during family devotions. This trimester will present Jesus’ love for his people, his death and resurrection, his ascension, the promised Holy Spirit, and the Lord’s return one day.
Our nursery offers a safe, clean, and beautiful space where little ones ages 0-2 can rest, wiggle, or play while their parents attend Sunday School or worship. A large soft rug surrounded by painted scenes of paradise and plenty of engaging toys on nearby shelves offer infants and crawlers their own quiet space. Toddlers will enjoy the adjacent toddler space with full size playhouse and toddler slide in their very own area lined with our carefully selected children's library. There is also a quiet and private crib room in the back for nursing or sleeping infants. Feel free to take a beeper and enjoy Sunday School and worship worry-free while your little one rests or plays. We offer goldfish snacks to toddlers and will be happy to feed infants snacks or milk you provide.

ADULT: Doctrine of God and Man
Class: Theology 1.1 (Systematic Theology)
Teacher: Marshall Clement & Eric Bolton
Classroom: Sanctuary
A study in systematic theology drawn from the harmonization of reformed confessions and catechisms. What we believe about God and Man shapes how we set our priorities and how we approach life – right thinking leads to right living. As we deepen our roots as a congregation, come study the core beliefs that have shaped the reformed church for hundreds of years.

ADULT: "Mere Christianity"
Class: Engaging the World 3.2 (Classic Literature)
Teacher: Sonny White
Classroom: Fellowship Hall
“Mere Christianity” presents an approachable case for our faith. Come experience one of the greatest discourses in Christianity through an in-depth study of C.S. Lewis’s classic “Mere Christianity.” Consider the basic tenets of our faith and how we might engage today’s culture.

ADULT: New Testament Survey II
Teacher: Eric Bolton
Classroom: Adult I
Our second installment of New Testament Survey will focus on the letters, or epistles, written to the first Christians. We will consider the letters of the apostle Paul (letters written to the Colossians, to Philemon, and to the Galatians, the Philippians, and the Thessalonians) and also the letters of Jesus' closest friends and disciples, John and Peter, and of his brothers, James and Jude. In these ancient letters we find words of encouragement, thanksgiving, correction and warning--all of which are still relevant to the church today.

Heritage of Worship
Teacher: Pastor Neil Stewart et al
Classroom: Sanctuary
A study of our own rich heritage of worship in three parts. Part 1: Order of Worship - delve into the “whys” of our historical order of worship and explore the divine dialogue between God and man. Part 2: A Practicum in Hymnody - learn 6 great hymns - their history, theology, and how to sing them in harmony. Part 3: Extol the Glory of God - consider the form and design of houses of worship and how God is worshiped from the sanctuary to the world.

The Pilgrim's Progress
Teacher: Elder Jim Van Eerden et al
Classroom: Sanctuary
Join us for a congregational adventure for old and young alike as we journey through the timeless Christian classic The Pilgrim’s Progress by John Bunyan. The Pilgrim’s spiritual experiences will remind you of your own and encourage you to be steadfast and stay the course on the King’s Highway until you reach the Celestial City. The imagery connected to biblical truths will enrich your spiritual life as it has for countless millions of Christians around the globe for over three centuries. Click image above for more information and AUDIO.

Leadership Training
Teacher: Pastor Neil Stewart & Elder Eric Bolton
Classroom: Pastor’s Study
Open to all men of Christ Covenant and targeted for those who have been nominated as candidates for an ordained office in the church. Explore your calling (whether now or later) to the office of elder or deacon. Guided by Scripture, the Westminster standards, and our Form of Government, we will study leadership principles and qualifications and consider how they are applied at Christ Covenant. Click image above for more information and AUDIO.

Living Together (Grades K-3)
Teachers: Sharon Pace & Judy Bolton
Classroom: K-3rd Grade
Students will be challenged to trust and obey the loving heavenly Father, who has called them to belong to his family and has revealed who he is through his Word. From “God Creates Families” focusing on Adam and Eve to “God Calls Families” focusing on Noah and Abraham, children hear how our sovereign God calls, saves, leads and protects his people and blesses them through families. Finally, in “God Is Faithful to Families,” they will focus on the lives of Jacob and Joseph and how God uses people, including us, to carry out his good purposes.

Proverbs: The Path to Abundant Life (ADULTS)
Teachers: Elders
Classroom: Sanctuary
Christ came so that we could have life and have it abundantly, but how do we find our way? The book of Proverbs brims with timeless wisdom – a collection of carefully worded sayings intended to instruct the young, remind the forgetful, and warn the naïve in the ways of life. Together we will mine the wisdom of Proverbs summarizing 18 major themes pulled from this often overlooked gem from God’s Word. Click image above for more information and AUDIO.

Apologetics (Grades 9-12)
Teacher: Chris Ellzey & Jim Van Eerden
Classroom: Commons Loft
In this class our high school students will learn how to understand and defend the basic elements of the Christian world and life view as well as how to share their personal testimonies and respond to the kinds of arguments unbelievers commonly raise against Christianity.

The Church: Her Mission & Ministry (ADULTS)
Teachers: Elders & Seminary Students
Classroom: Fellowship Hall “C”
What is the mission of the Church? Have you ever wondered what we, as a local church body, should be doing and where our focus should be? Of course, our goal is to glorify God, but to achieve that goal, what does God want us to be doing, both as a church and as individual Christians? Throughout the fall, we will look to answer the questions, “What is the mission of the Church?” and “How do we apply that mission at Christ Covenant?”. Click image above for more information and AUDIO.

Living in the Church (ADULTS)
Teachers: Kyle Lockhart & Elders
Classroom: Fellowship Hall “B”
Christians living in the church will engage with a variety of issues today - both within the local church and the broader church: Singleness (2/13), Widows & Widowers (2/20), Divorce & Remarriage (2/27), Honoring God with Your Marital Status (3/6), Homosexuality & Transgenderism (3/13), PCA Revoice (3/20-3/27), Critical Race Theory (4/3), Modeling the Grace of God in Response (4/10), Christian Liberty & the Sabbath (4/24), Winsomely Reformed: Doctrinal Disagreement in the Local Church (5/1), Gossip & Judgmentalism (5/8), Deacons: Qualifications & Responsibilities (5/15), Elders: Qualifications & Responsibilities (5/22).

Marriage & Parenting (ADULTS)
Teacher: Eric Bolton
Classroom: Fellowship Hall “C”
Part I: Marriage (February 13 - March 20) - Christian marriage is designed to reflect the glory of Christ and His Church. This 6-week course uses Family Life’s “Art of Marriage” to help us focus our marriages God-ward.
Part II: Parenting (March 27 - May 22) - What does the Bible say about parenting? Maybe more than we think. We will explore parenting from a Biblical perspective with “Parenting: 14 Gospel Principles That Can Radically Change Your Family” by Paul David Tripp.

Heritage of Worship (ADULT - 9:00 AM)
Teachers: Kyle Lockhart & Eric Bolton
Classroom: Fellowship Hall “C”
Does God care how He is worshiped, and what does His Word teach us about approaching Him as a congregation? In this class we will look at the elements of worship, the places of worship, and the lifestyle of worship.

Reformation Biographies (ADULT - 11:00 AM)
Teacher: Elders & Others
Classroom: Fellowship Hall
Who are the men that contributed to our Reformed heritage? What legacy have they left—a legacy in which we still walk today? This class will examine the lives, writings, and theological contributions of several men of the Reformed faith.

Covenant Theology
This class will seek to explain covenant theology as it is presented in the Westminster Confession of Faith and as it has historically been understood within the Reformed tradition. We highly recommend this course for those who are new to the Presbyterian and Reformed world, as well as for those who wish to grow in their love for the Christ of the covenants.

Romans: The Power of God (ADULT)
Teachers: Elders & Pastor Kyle Lockhart
Classroom: Fellowship Hall “C”
Romans is often referred to as Paul’s most systematic treatment of the doctrine of salvation. While true, this statement has the unintended consequence of reducing Romans to a cold, academic treatise. Rather, we should think of Romans as a heartwarming letter from one follower of Christ to others, in which he exposes them to the love of God toward sinners and His power unto salvation.