Church History: The Gates of Hell Shall Not Prevail (ADULT)
Teachers: Elders & Pastor Kyle Lockhart
Fellowship Hall "C"
How has the Lord Jesus Christ kept His promise to preserve His Church over the past two thousand years? In this two-semester study, we will look at the history of the Church as she has grown, shrunk, triumphed, failed, and militated against spiritual, physical, and ideological enemies. We will begin in the late first century and work our way through to the middle of the twentieth century.

Proverbs: Wisdom for Life (9th-12th Grades)
Teacher: Paul Rodgers
Commons Loft
In the book of Proverbs, we find a parent’s earnest commendation of wisdom to their child. Inspired by the Holy Spirit, the writers of Proverbs illustrate wisdom's value and teach its ability to guide one toward righteousness and avoidance of wickedness, foolishness, and calamity.

So What? A Study of John 1-10 (6th-8th Grades)
Teachers: Drew Bash & Marshall Clement
6th-8th Grade Classroom
In this study of John 1–10, students have the opportunity to listen to the greatest Teacher of all—Jesus, God Himself in the flesh—when He walked this earth. Through the firsthand account of "the disciple whom Jesus loved," we witness Jesus using ordinary objects and events to communicate profound spiritual truths.

G2R Bible Survey: Acts to Romans (3rd-5th Grades)
Teachers: Rick Vogel & Peyton Smith
Fellowship Hall “A”
In this Bible survey of Acts and Romans, students will delve into God’s purpose in the early church, the pivotal role of the Holy Spirit, and the remarkable spread of the gospel from Jerusalem to much of the Roman Empire. They will also explore the great doctrines of our faith as the foundation and motivation for Christian living.

Obeying God (1st & 2nd Grades)
Teachers: Zack Payne & Roger Wilson
1st & 2nd Grade Classroom
We will explore the lives of Old Testament prophets and kings and learn what it means to obey God. Children will discover that obedience is not only a command from God, but also our loving response to the Good Shepherd who gave His life for the sheep.

Obeying God (Kindergarten)
Teachers: Alex & Heather Yonjof
Kindergarten Classroom
We will explore the lives of Old Testament prophets and kings and learn what it means to obey God. Children will discover that obedience is not only a command from God, but also our loving response to the Good Shepherd who gave His life for the sheep.

God Leads His People (Preschool)
Teachers: Shelby Hallquist & Heather Essary
Preschool Classroom
Children will discover that God calls His people to Himself, and He wants them to trust and follow Him. Through exciting Bible stories about Moses and the Israelites, children will begin to grasp that God is loving and powerful, makes and keeps promises, punishes sin, and redeems and saves His people.