Morning Worship
Here is where we can put our order of worship, lyrics, etc.
Transitions above are at about 0:04, 1:30, and 49:30. I grabbed the first audio clip from YouTube (I don’t love it, btw, because the last lines of each verse are slowed down sssssooooo mmmmmuuuuuuch!). Anyway, I was just practicing editing. The church mics are definitely better than mine (plus I had a weird hum on mine today for some reason, which I had to edit out, which made mine sound quite tinny… anyway, learning as I go)!
We could probably post the whole service to SermonAudio if we wanted to do that instead of posting directly to SquareSpace. SermonAudio generally does not want you to do that - they only want teaching posted - but I suspect in this special circumstance it might be okay. Plus we can remove it later if we/they want.
I haven’t found any info yet on the topic of Sermon Audio versus SquareSpace hosting and the issue of load on the page for lots of people hitting the recording all at once. That does concern me.
Actually, I just noticed that if you listen to a SquareSpace audio on the phone, it goes to a new page. That isn’t good, since the listener would lose access to hymn words and the order of worship. One more reason to host the whole audio on SermonAudio.