The Faithfulness of God

Embattled child of God, it should afford you no little comfort this morning to know that back behind the devil’s tireless efforts to trip you up, to make shipwreck of your soul, to unhinge your Godward trajectory, there lies the ever constant, never failing protecting hand of God. You cannot fall through this safety net. He is always there, watching every enemy, protecting against every threat, and supplying every need. A shield of invincible, unchangeable goodness and love surrounds you (Psalm 32:10).

What is more, God’s efforts on your behalf are not motivated by your faithfulness to Him, but only and always by His faithfulness to you, to His covenant, and ultimately to Himself. As Paul says elsewhere, when we are faithless, He remains faithful, He cannot deny Himself (2Tim. 2:13). Here is balm for the weary soul. The faithfulness of man is one of the great sources of misery in this world. Everywhere we look we see men betraying their resolutions, the promises they have made, and the covenants they have cut. If we are honest, we would all have to admit a part in this. Surely, our own faithlessness is the greatest burden we each have to carry through life. How I wish I was more dependable. But God’s faithfulness is unchangeably the same, yesterday, today, and forever.

What a joy, then, it is to know and to be known by the Faithful God. He will always be what He is, and He will never be other than He has always been. A life built on this rock is built on the surest foundation imaginable. All other foundations will crumble, subside, and fall, but this one will stand fast forever. 

So dear Christian, whatever today sends your way, remember the words of Augustine, “God is not a deceiver, that He should offer to support us, and then, when we lean upon Him, should slip away from us!” His promises are as strong as He is; He means us to stay ourselves upon them forever.