Meeting Jesus
“And he said to him, “Truly, truly, I say to you, you will see heaven opened, and the angels of God ascending and descending on the Son of Man.”” (John 1:51, ESV)
The first chapter of John’s gospel begins in the far distant outreaches of eternity and ends with a delightful series of days, when real people meet Jesus for themselves. These meetings are intensely personal. You can’t help but get the sense that what Jesus was for these men, He will be for us as well. In verse 43, He meets Phillip with a decisive word, “Follow me!” Jesus said these words to many people. They were never refused or defied. They bring with them the power to create what they command. As is always the case, new followers seek more followers, and Phillip is no different. He goes and finds Nathanael, who, at first, is a little nonplussed at the thought of a Messiah from Nazareth. Whoever thought of such a thing? But then Jesus meets Nathanael, His skepticism melts away. “Behold, an Israelite in whom there is no deceit.” Jesus has the power, you see, to look into a man’s soul and know Him all the way down to the bottom. We are no different. There is no hiding from His penetrating gaze. Surprised, Nathanael asks, “How do you know me?” Jesus answers, “Before Phillip called you, when you were under the fig tree, I saw you.” Nathanael is blown away, “Rabbi, you are the Son of God! You are the King of Israel!” Jesus says in effect, “If you think that was impressive, wait until you see the fulfillment of Jacob’s ladder (Genesis 28). But the ladder to heaven isn’t a staircase for you to climb up, it is a person reaching down to you.” Did you notice that Jesus replaces the ladder in Jacob’s dream with Himself? He is the ladder. When we come to Him, we come to the man who can bring us home to God. We need nothing more. He is enough.