God’s Pastoral Provision
“And I will give you shepherds after my own heart, who will feed you with knowledge and understanding.” ~Jeremiah 3:15
I find it easy to take many of the Lord’s gifts for granted. He has provided for my physical and spiritual welfare in ways I simply don’t appreciate as I should. And one example, that I personally take for granted, is the gift of elders.
An elder (presbuteros), sometimes referred to as an overseer or bishop (episkopē), is a wonderful gift from God whose role is to care for my spiritual well-being. I wonder if you, like me, take for granted that the Lord cares enough about your soul that He’s placed qualified men to care for you and your family’s spiritual well-being (1 Timothy 3:1-7, Titus 1:5-9).
These gifts from God to you are primarily to shepherd you (1 Peter 5:2). The word poimainō (shepherd) is where we get our word “pastor.” Shepherd imagery is vivid to us: we can envisage a man attentively tending to his sheep, making sure they are safe, healthy, fed, and where they are supposed to be. This role of shepherd has several facets. They serve you. You don’t exist to serve them: they exist to serve you (1 Peter 5:2,3), willingly, eagerly, selflessly, and sacrificially (John 10:11-15). They guard you, exercising oversight (1 Peter 5:2), being watchful over you (1 Peter 5:8), seeking to protect you from false doctrine, immorality, and apathy. They also guide you (1 Peter 5:3). Middle Eastern shepherds lead their flocks from the front. Likewise, elders lead by example. Their lives say, “This is what the mature, faithful, God-honoring Christian looks like.” And then, they feed you. God promised shepherds who would “feed you with knowledge and understanding” (Jeremiah 3:15). That’s why our elders are “apt to teach” (1 Timothy 3:2), able to give you wise, biblical counsel.
In the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church (ARP) we rightly make the distinction between “ruling elders” and “teaching elders” (or “ministers”), according to 1 Timothy 5:17. Be that as it may, the reality is that the Lord has provided you with eight pastors! Eight men to serve, guard, guide, and feed you. These men — collectively referred to as the “Session” — don’t exist simply to meet twice a month to talk about the business and vision of the local church, nor do they exist simply to serve at presbytery and synod level. These eight pastors exist primarily to care for you and your family’s souls. What a gift!
In our meditation a while ago, in light of a prominent pastor in Dallas scandalizing the church through adulterous behavior, I asked you to pray for the elders of Christ Covenant, knowing that we are under heightened spiritual attack and susceptible to fall but for the grace of God. This week, however, I would encourage you not only to give thanks for this tremendous God-given provision for your spiritual welfare, but to utilize this gift! If you are struggling, need counsel, direction, prayer, or want someone to talk to, reach out to us. We are here for you! We are here to serve, guard, guide, and feed you. We are a God-appointed gift to you, that He has ordained for your spiritual well-being. Don’t overlook us.
Rev. Rob Dykes, Pastor of Preaching & Congregational Care