Without ceasing to be what He had always been, He became something He had never been before…
Read MoreAt Christmastime this year, amidst all our gift giving, remember this: God loves a cheerful giver because He Himself is One.
Read MoreThe Babe in Bethlehem’s manger, therefore, represents a wondrous victory of determined love. We didn’t want Him to come, but He came anyway.
Read MoreWith simple, profound words, John begins his Christmas story…
Read MoreOn the revolutionary gratitude of Job…
Read MoreMore than who we are, manners and traditions remind us who we are meant to be. So mind your P’s and Q’s, young man. You are much more than just an animal!
Read MoreAs David rides back again into Jerusalem, he has a number of difficult decisions to make, and time is not on his side. Some of his choices are clearly shrewd, and others are open to significant question. Spoiler alert: You might find yourself thinking less of David after reading this chapter.
Read MoreWords matter: They are the stuff of the heart. Hearts are the stuff of relationships, and relationships are the stuff of life. We should listen to our words, God does.
Read MoreThis week marks the five-hundred and second anniversary of the Protestant Reformation, when Martin Luther nailed his 95 Theses to the Castle Church door in Wittenburg, Germany. Why do we get so excited about this event every year?
In this blog post we examine the whole concept of piety. What does it mean, and why does the concept get such a bad rap?
Read MoreWhat are some of God’s pet peeves?
Read MoreWhat is humility, and how can I be humble?
Read MoreMany Christians plague themselves with doubt because, in their mind, salvation hangs on something they must feel, believe, or do. This error is particularly pernicious because it is partly true…
Read MoreGod is not our mother, but He loves us like one…
Read MoreHow do prayer and God’s sovereignty connect? As one author put it, “If God already knows, why pray?”
Read MoreSin is our deceitful little enemy!
Read MoreHow to avoid the inevitable deterioration of lives lived online.
Read MoreThe story of four heroes who should never be forgotten…
Read MoreEarlier today, I was reminded of this story in a discussion I had with a local student. He was of the opinion that the same choice that brought a Christian to Christ could take that Christian from Christ… Forever. Can this be true?
Read MoreWhat are we to do with the Christ of Scripture? How are we to explain his emergence and His significance on the world stage?
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