A Tender Conscience

In today’s devotional we ask an all important question: How is our conscience? Or put another way: How is our soul doing with God? Is it raising any particular area of alarm? If it is, we need to get after it. Ignoring such a voice is neither safe nor sound behavior! Ask Luther...

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Christ Covenant Church
Praying with Paul

Listening to others pray is always instructive. Our prayer life is an outward reflection of our real theology. The way we pray, the frequency of our prayers, and their content and tone all reveal what we really think of God, what we want from Him, and how much we believe that we need Him.

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A Word Hidden

I have said this before, but it bears repeating; namely, if I could recommend one discipline that would make the most radical difference in the lives of every member of our church, it would be to memorize Scripture. Why don’t you try it and see?

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Christ Covenant Church
Always Winter, Never Christmas

The whole sorry affair can’t but remind us of the White Witch’s brutal Narnia, a land where it was always winter and never Christmas? From the Witches perspective--Better to endure a black midwinter than the bleak one graced by the Savior’s rude arrival.

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Christ Covenant Church
Homeward Bound

Isn’t that a wonderful way to think of death? The date is set in indelible grace. But it’s not the Grim Reaper coming to take you to the grave. Jesus is coming to take you home to God, the Father.

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Christ Covenant Church