We seek to worship God in spirit and in truth. We come to church in order to worship Him, and He is the center of our audience in worship. Our worship is active, and we are engaged in singing, praying, and reading God’s Word back to Him as a delightful offering of worship. Morning services are about 1.5 hours, and evening services are about 1 hour.

During the school year, we offer Sunday school classes for adults and for children of all ages. For all worship services, children are welcome to join us in worship, praising God and listening to His Word. There is a “cry room” available at the back of the sanctuary as well as a nursing room in the children's wing for your convenience. Additionally, for both morning worship services and the evening worship service, we offer a nursery for children ages 0-2, and we offer Children's Church during the sermon (9:00 AM service only) for children ages 3-5.

There is no dress code here. Although some come wearing their “Sunday best”, others are more casually dressed. We welcome everyone to our services. Clothing is really of secondary importance - the heart is always God's greatest concern.