I Might Be Overdressed for This Party

In addition to the lowly shepherds, the Magi from the East were guests at the Messiah’s birth celebration. These dignified pilgrims were most certainly surprised to discover that the King of the Jews was born in the humble town of Bethlehem. Their journey over such a far distance and their gifts of immense value ought to cause us to consider Jesus’ worthiness to receive our best worship.

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Christ Covenant Church
I Might Be Underdressed for This Party

In the extraordinary story of the Messiah's birth, a remarkable and unexpected detail emerges: the deliberate inclusion of humble shepherds in the celebration. Often marginalized in society, these men were purposefully selected to witness the arrival of the Son of God. Their presence, set against the backdrop of a modest setting and their societal status, serves as a powerful testament to Christ's mission: to save the lowly, the ordinary, and those who recognize their need for grace.

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Christ Covenant Church
Anticipating Advent

Reflecting on the seemingly endless wait for Christmas during childhood, we imagine the anticipation felt by those Old Testament saints awaiting Christ’s first advent. Their expectation was fueled by God’s promises throughout the years, as they waited for their fulfillment in the coming Messiah. This Christmas, let’s not only celebrate Christ’s first advent, but allow the anticipation of His return and our eternal future with Him to be the greater joy of our hearts.

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Christ Covenant Church
You’re from Where?

The unexpected birthplace of the Messiah challenged the conventional expectations of the Jews, who were anticipating a majestic king to rescue them from their political enemies. Instead, God sent forth His Son in humility from an obscure, unremarkable town, in order to bring salvation to a world in need. We would be wise not to judge Him by His humble origins but to thank Him for coming to live among us so that we might live eternally in His heavenly city.

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Christ Covenant Church
What’s in a Name?

As we begin the season of Advent, we consider today one of the names of Jesus: Immanuel, meaning 'God with us.' This name embodies the essence of Christmas: God’s presence with mankind. It represents the restoration of a lost intimate connection with God since Adam and Eve’s expulsion from Eden, extending its promise beyond Christ's birth to encompass the ongoing presence of God among His people.

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Christ Covenant Church
Sing Praise to the Lord - Part X

As we revel in the abundance of Thanksgiving, let’s take time to not only acknowledge the provision we see but to embrace the promise of His eternal care. Our Hymn of Praise this Thanksgiving Sunday, "Come, Ye Thankful People, Come," expresses a deeper gratitude for God's promise of a final harvest, a gathering where we'll be forever in His presence, free from sorrow and sin. It’s a hymn of anticipation for the ultimate gathering of God's saints in His heavenly embrace.

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Christ Covenant Church
Sing Praise to the Lord - Part IX

This week’s Hymn of Praise, "O Worship the King," adorns our Lord with the splendor He deserves. It eloquently highlights God's abundant benevolence toward us, while also humbling us in our frailty and reinforcing our dependence on God's mercy. As we reflect on this hymn, may it inspire gratitude for His care, even in the seemingly mundane aspects of life.

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Christ Covenant Church
Sing Praise to the Lord - Part VIII

In this reflection on the hymn "Crown Him with Many Crowns," we ponder the praiseworthiness of Jesus in His exaltation. The hymn serves as a poignant reminder of the matchless majesty of Christ as the sacrificial King, the Lord of love still bearing wounds for humanity, and the sovereign ruler over time.

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Christ Covenant Church
Sing Praise to the Lord - Part VII

“For the Beauty of the Earth” is a classic hymn that expresses praise for the beauty of God's creation and the abundance it provides. It encourages us to give thanks to the Creator as we observe the splendor of His handiwork in nature, in our own bodies, and in our relationships. Finally, it culminates in a call to respond with praise to God for His gifts, especially the gift of His Son, Jesus Christ.

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Christ Covenant Church
Sing Praise to the Lord - Part VI

This week we consider Martin Luther’s great Reformation hymn “A Mighty Fortress Is Our God,” written to encourage and equip believers in their battle against the schemes of the Devil. While acknowledging the intense hatred and fierce wrath of the Enemy, the song’s lyrics encourage us with reminders of God’s power, help, and victory in the fight. The Lord is on our side and, therefore, we have nothing to fear!

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Christ Covenant Church
Sing Praise to the Lord - Part V

We turn our attention this week to the well-known hymn "Praise to the Lord, the Almighty" by Joachim Neander. In this hymn we find a three-dimensional exhortation to praise the Lord: to ourselves, to fellow believers, and to all of creation. Our worship becomes joyful adoration as we remind ourselves and others of God’s abundant blessings and benefits.

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Christ Covenant Church
Sing Praise to the Lord - Part IV

We focus our attention this week on the hymn "Holy God, We Praise Your Name," which celebrates God's sovereign rule and invites worshipers to acknowledge His lordship over all time and space. It also emphasizes the unity of believers across history and geography and highlights the glory of the Trinity. As you consider the words of this magnificent hymn, envision yourself standing before the heavenly throne, united with believers from all nations and eras, raising your voices in eternal praise.

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Christ Covenant Church
Sing Praise to the Lord - Part III

Our third in this series of meditations on worship songs is the hymn “O for a Thousand Tongues to Sing,” written in the 18th century by Charles Wesley to commemorate the first anniversary of his conversion to Christ. As he reflected back on the Lord’s marvelous work in his own life, Wesley was overwhelmed by the magnitude of God’s glory and understood the limitations of human language to praise Him. This hymn serves as a reminder to consider our own conversion and inspires joy and gratitude in our worship.

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Christ Covenant Church
Sing Praise to the Lord - Part II

We continue today with our series of meditations on hymns and psalms that we sing together in worship. This week’s song is Psalm 98, “O Sing a New Song to the Lord.” In it we recognize two distinct realities that ought to guide our worship: who God is and what He has done. Meditating on these two realities helps us to embrace the joy and privilege of praising Him.

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Christ Covenant Church
Sing Praise to the Lord - Part I

Today is our first of several brief introductions to the Hymn or Psalm of Praise that we will sing together in worship on the upcoming Lord’s Day. Our goal in doing so is to prepare our hearts for worship in the Lord’s house, with the Lord’s people and the hosts of heaven. This week’s Hymn of Praise is “Come, Christians, Join to Sing,” which celebrates the great privilege we have to come into His presence with praise.

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Christ Covenant Church
The Tyranny of Time

Throughout the changing seasons of life, we are called to trust the Lord and to submit to His wisdom for our moments and our days. Although the future is unknown to us, we can look to it with confidence and joy, knowing that He holds the future and is directing every moment of our lives according to His wise and loving purpose.

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Christ Covenant Church
Three Perspectives on Law

This morning we explore scriptural distinctions between three uses of the term “law” in God’s Word. As we consider the law of God, believers can take great comfort in knowing that our acceptance before a holy God is based entirely on the perfect law-keeping of His Son Jesus Christ. This removes any reason for fearing God’s wrath and leads to an obedience rooted in the grace and love of our Heavenly Father.

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Christ Covenant Church
Tending the Garden of the Soul

Have you let sin go unchecked in the garden of your soul? Like weeds, sin has a tendency to grow and to spread once it takes hold. This morning we consider the mercy and compassion of Jesus, who is eager to restore and renew us when we come to Him with the burdens of our souls.

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Christ Covenant Church
A Legacy Continues

Today we explore five key lessons that can be gleaned from the account in Joshua 1 of Moses’ death and Joshua’s ordination as his replacement. The timeless relevance of these lessons reminds us of God’s eternal faithfulness and our unending duty.

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Christ Covenant Church
Always on God’s Mind

Psalm 139 is a poignant reminder of God’s loving and compassionate thoughts toward His people. Like the psalmist, we should rejoice in the idea that God's knowledge of us is all-encompassing and intimate. We can also take great comfort in knowing that He is always with us and will help us whatever we face.

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Christ Covenant Church