Do you long for your heart and mind to be transformed by the Word of God? When we study the Bible, God meets with us personally and speaks to us powerfully. This morning we explore a few simple and effective tools for understanding Scripture that will help us accurately interpret it and apply its truths to our lives, that we may glorify God.
Read MoreThis morning, as we consider our remarkable Presbyterian heritage, we reflect with deep gratitude upon the Lord’s providence and faithfulness to us. Throughout history, we and our ancestors have experienced what Psalm 100 so beautifully extols: God’s steadfast love for the generations.
Read MoreThis morning we consider the importance of living a faithful Christian life by drawing inspiration from the examples of past heroes of faith in the final chapters of Hebrews. Believers ought to see themselves as part of a community of witnesses who have demonstrated faith in the Lord. The key to perseverance and growth in the Christian life is to fix one's eyes on Jesus, seeking guidance and strength from Him rather than being distracted by worldly concerns.
Read MoreThis morning we examine the importance of obeying the often-neglected biblical command to sing psalms. The practice of psalm singing is a wonderful way to memorize Scripture, to express the experiences of our souls, and to “let the word of Christ dwell in you richly.” May we embrace the blessings that come from singing psalms in both personal and family worship.
Read MoreToday we discuss the challenges of facing a day filled with difficulties and pressures, emphasizing the importance of Christian steadfastness and peace. Drawing from 1 Peter 2:18–3:17, we explore the force and foundation of such qualities. By embracing these truths and responding with sanctified self-control, believers can exemplify the wonder of the Gospel.
Read MoreAnger, when left unchecked, can have destructive consequences in our lives. It is critical that we understand our anger and learn to manage it effectively so that it does not rule us.
Read MoreIn the midst of life's storms, Psalm 46:10 reminds us to find solace and strength in God's unwavering sovereignty. When fear and doubt consume us, it is crucial to realign our focus on the unchanging nature of our Heavenly Father, who holds all things in His hands. By surrendering our worries and trusting in His perfect peace, we can find respite from the chaos and rest in the assurance that His purposes will prevail.
Read MoreToday we explore the concept of delighting in the Lord and how it transforms our desires and aligns them with His will. When our delight is centered on the Lord, our desires shift, and we prioritize seeking His kingdom and righteousness above all else. We ought to regularly examine our desires and ensure that they reflect our delight in God, allowing Him to shape and fulfill them according to His perfect plan.
Read MoreToday we consider the folly that abounds in our hearts by nature and how easily it can damage our lives and our testimonies. Transforming that folly into wisdom requires intentional thoughts, words, and deeds that are shaped by the Word of God.
Read MoreIn the Christian life, steadfastness is an essential virtue that allows us to persevere amidst trials. Today we will look at four key qualities that each of us must develop in order to practice steadfastness. If we remain steadfast in the face of the Lord’s testing, we can be confident that we will receive the ultimate reward from Him.
Read MorePsalm 121 presents a picture of the Christian life as a pilgrimage. Just as the Jews faced many dangers as they journeyed up to Jerusalem, so we weary travelers face great afflictions in this world. The psalm calls us to look to our faithful God for help and protection as we journey onward toward our heavenly home.
Read MoreToday we consider seven virtues that together form the foundation for healthy spiritual development. They are what we ought to be praying for the Lord to cultivate in us, in our children, and in our brothers and sisters in Christ.
Read MoreAs Christians, we ought to regularly consider the qualities of a vibrant relationship with God and ask ourselves whether we are spiritually healthy. Are we growing in our experience of God’s love toward unworthy sinners like ourselves?
Read MoreConflict is inevitable in a fallen world. How should we respond when we are at odds with a brother or sister? This morning we examine a few key principles for resolving conflict that will help us to live in harmony with one another and glorify God.
Read MoreToday we consider what humility is and how we can cultivate it in our lives. Likewise, we look at the indicators of pride in our hearts and discuss how we can put it to death.
Read MoreToday we’re reminded of the profound benefits that result from a daily habit of morning prayer.
Read MoreIt’s easy to become discouraged in the battle against our stubborn sin nature. In our passage this morning, we are reminded that God never gives up on us. We can be sure that He will be faithful to finish His work in us despite our unfaithfulness to Him.
Read MoreA crucified God is foolishness to a world that is totally depraved. The cross of Christ painfully exposes the truth about ourselves and the world we live in. But to those who embrace it, it leads to truth and life.
Read MoreAs we process Monday’s horrific tragedy in Nashville, it’s important for us to remember that Jesus weeps alongside us. Although He remains absolutely sovereign over all things, His heart breaks with ours in the afflictions that He uses to accomplish His good and perfect will in the world. This truth ought to comfort us in such times of deep sorrow.
Read MoreThis morning, as we consider the connection between our worries and our prayers, we find that the key to dealing productively with anxious thoughts is to connect them to what we know to be true about God. As we make this a habit, we can experience peace and comfort in even the most worrisome of situations.
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