Hope amidst Heartbreak

In times of deep sorrow and loss, how should we respond? This week, we turn to the story of Job—a man who endured unimaginable grief yet learned profound truths about God's sovereignty. Through Job’s suffering, we are reminded that God's will doesn't always guarantee our earthly comfort and is often beyond our understanding. But we can take comfort in knowing that He is always wise, good, and worthy of our trust.

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Christ Covenant Church
Man Down: Keep Fighting

Every Christian is engaged in spiritual warfare, with Satan and his evil forces targeting our hearts and minds (Eph. 6:10-20). The devil is especially focused on attacking the officers of the church, understanding that by targeting them, he demoralizes the entire church. Though it is disheartening when church leaders fall into sin, we must continue praying for them and remember that Christ has already won the ultimate victory.

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Christ Covenant Church
Soli Deo Gloria

Have you ever considered what God’s ultimate purpose is? Scripture reveals that God’s chief end is His own glory, and everything He does, from creation to redemption, is for this purpose. From His dealings with Israel to the coming of Christ, and even in our daily lives, God's glory is the central focus, and we too should be committed to glorifying Him in all that we do. Soli Deo Gloria!

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Christ Covenant Church
Sola Fide and Sola Christus

Salvation comes through the person and work of Jesus Christ, whom we receive by the gift of faith alone, not through any effort of our own. Scripture teaches that it is by God's grace that we are saved, and even the faith to believe is a gift from Him, not something we can produce ourselves. Our faith is in Christ alone, the only one who can justify us, and we must resist any temptation to think we contribute to our salvation in any way.

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Christ Covenant Church
Sola Gratia

We live in a world that promotes the belief in humanity's inherent goodness. However, the Bible teaches a different, humbling truth: we are, by nature, slaves to sin, with hearts that are deceitful and incapable of seeking God on our own. This doctrine of total depravity may be offensive to human pride, but for Christians, it is a reminder of the pure, unearned grace by which we are saved, chosen by God not because of our worth, but because of His sovereign love and mercy.

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Christ Covenant Church
Sola Scriptura

The Bible is God's very Word, breathed out by Him and delivered through men inspired by the Holy Spirit. If we truly believe this, it challenges us to consider where the Bible is positioned in our lives—whether it is central and guiding us like a lamp in darkness or merely sidelined. The Bible is not just a book; it is the light by which we see and know God. It should be kept bright and central in our lives, guiding us and our children in truth and life.

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Christ Covenant Church
Breathing on the Lord’s Day

The Sabbath is a day set apart by God for rest and worship, urging us to pause from our daily routines and focus on Him. Scripture emphasizes that we should turn away from our own pursuits to delight in God's presence and honor His holy day. Observing the Sabbath is not only an act of obedience but also a source of spiritual refreshment and a powerful testimony of faith in a culture driven by busyness.

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Christ Covenant Church
Shaping Young Minds

The influences that shape our children's beliefs and values will come from somewhere, whether it's media, peers, or educators. As parents, it's our responsibility to ensure that our children are not conformed to worldly standards but are transformed through the renewing of their minds, guided by the Word of God. Regular family worship offers a powerful opportunity to instill truth in our children, helping to shape their minds by knowing and living out God's Word.

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Christ Covenant Church
Faithful and Flourishing

Why do we worship as we do? Our aim is not to entertain people but to glorify God, so we look to His Word to determine the elements of our worship. By faithfully adhering to these biblical principles, we believe we will both honor Him and experience true flourishing.

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Christ Covenant Church
Chirping to a Worthy King

We are created to glorify God, and the most important way we do this is through corporate worship on the Lord's Day, which is both our duty and privilege. This worship is a reflection of our acknowledgment of God's infinite worthiness, surpassing any earthly honor. As we prepare for worship, we are called to do so with wholehearted devotion, recognizing the significance of meeting with and honoring Jesus Christ, the King of kings and Lord of lords.

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Christ Covenant Church
Greetings from Pastor Rob

Rev. Rob Dykes, the new Pastor of Preaching and Congregational Care at Christ Covenant Church, warmly greets the congregation and outlines his core responsibilities in his pastoral role: prayer, preaching, and shepherding. He emphasizes his commitment to a life of prayer, both for himself and the church family. Additionally, he is dedicated to preaching the gospel, focusing on the message of Christ crucified. Lastly, Pastor Rob aspires to shepherd the congregation with care, striving to be a godly example and fostering meaningful relationships with each member.

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Christ Covenant Church
Who Is Your King?

Have you considered who your true king is? Is it Jesus, or like Israel in the Old Testament, have you rejected His kingship for the sake of autonomy? In reality, true autonomy is a myth; everyone serves something, and we must reflect on where our time, energy, money, and emotions are directed to determine who or what we truly worship. By examining our lives, we can identify our idols and be challenged to devote ourselves fully to Jesus, the only one worthy of our complete worship and service.

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Christ Covenant Church
A Global Vision of the Church

First-century Christians demonstrated a remarkable commitment to and love for one another, transcending natural differences like geography and ethnicity. Paul emphasized mutual encouragement and financial support among churches. This global unity in faith is a call for modern Christians to think and act with a broader perspective, praying for and supporting churches worldwide, reflecting the unity Jesus prayed for.

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Christ Covenant Church
All Things Wise and Wonderful

Scripture teaches that all things, including all people, were created by God and are upheld by His power. Even those who deny God's existence rely on Him for their very ability to do so. Recognizing that everyone bears God's image, Christians are called to appreciate the inherent dignity and worth of all people, including even those who oppose or reject God.

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All Things Great and Small

Scripture emphasizes God's abundant provision and concern for each of His creatures. Despite the vast number of animals that fill the earth, the Bible reveals that God’s love for humans surpasses His love for animals, as seen in His provision and sacrificial love through Jesus Christ. Every animal, from the largest elephant to the smallest sparrow, serves as a reminder of God's greater love and redemption for humanity, His treasured creation.

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Christ Covenant Church
All Things Bright and Beautiful

Scientists estimate the universe contains between two hundred billion and two trillion galaxies, each with about one hundred billion stars, meaning each person on Earth could claim twenty-five quadrillion stars. Remarkably, the same God who created and sustains all these stars loves us so much that He gave His only Son to die for our sins, a love far more awe-inspiring than the vastness of the universe.

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Christ Covenant Church
A Mountaintop Retreat

Mountains serve as powerful illustrations of many biblical truths. Just as mountains provide refuge, elevation, and an immovable presence, so too does God's Word offer unshakable promises and protection. Despite the powerful imagery of mountains, Scripture reminds us that God's steadfastness surpasses even the mightiest natural formations. While mountains may shift, God's promises and presence remain unshakeable and eternal, offering believers unparalleled security and comfort.

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Christ Covenant Church
All Other Ground Is Sinking Sand

Just as the sand shifts beneath your feet when waves retreat at the ocean’s edge, so too can the myriad of online voices claiming to teach truth lead to spiritual instability and confusion. It is crucial for Christians to ground their beliefs in the solid foundation of Scripture, rather than the often unreliable and misleading theological teachings found on the internet.

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A Five-Star Meal

The Lord’s Supper serves as a means of grace, providing spiritual nourishment and communicating the benefits of Christ’s death, thereby sustaining and enriching our union with the risen Lord Jesus. It also bears witness to the power of God’s love and the certainty of Christ’s return, reminding us of His resurrection and future coming in glory. Finally, the Lord’s Supper celebrates our union with one other in Christ. What a feast He has prepared for us!

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Flex Those Muscles

Hospitality, like muscle work, requires effort and can be challenging. True Christian hospitality extends beyond just welcoming friends; it involves being a friend to strangers. By following Christ's example and being attentive to the needs of others, both within and outside the church, we fulfill our responsibility to show genuine hospitality.

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